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Wisdom Teeth Removal

Say goodbye to painful extractions with the expertise of our experienced team. We specialize in wisdom tooth removal for patients throughout the greater City area.

Why Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the final teeth to arrive, usually around the age of 17. For many patients, the mouth doesn’t have enough room for these extra molars. The eruption of the four wisdom teeth (also called third molars) can pose a threat to your oral health. Wisdom teeth often become impacted and can severely disrupt the alignment of your smile, cause infection, damage the jawbone and lead to long-term oral health issues. Therefore many dental professionals recommend having wisdom teeth, or third molars, extracted as soon as possible.

of Wisdom Teeth Issues

The following are symptoms
of wisdom teeth….

  • Red, tender, bleeding or swollen gums
  • Jaw joint pain or aches
  • Headaches
  • Swelling around the jaw
  • Halitosis (chronic bad breath)
  • A sour taste in your mouth
  • Difficulty opening and closing your mouth
  • Occasional swollen lymph nodes in the neck
DR. PJ SUTTON showing male patient Brigham form
female staff member walking and smiling with male patient

More About Wisdom Teeth Removal

Is this usually a preventative procedure?

More than 10 million wisdom teeth are removed in the United States each year and approximately 60 percent of these extractions are elective and not required at the time.

Why shouldn’t I wait on wisdom teeth removal?

We recommend wisdom teeth removal for patients in their late teens to early twenties. During this developmental time frame the teeth roots are not completely developed and take up less space within the jaw.  If you wait too long for wisdom teeth removal your jawbone and teeth begin to set. As they get harder, the wisdom teeth are even more difficult to remove, and the procedure becomes even more complex. Though you can have wisdom teeth removed at any age, younger patients tend to recover more quickly following surgery.

How much does it cost?

The cost of third molar extractions depends upon a few different factors – how many wisdom teeth will be extracted, anesthesia used, any issues that may complicate the treatment, and your dental insurance. During your consultation we will provide you with an estimate of your treatment and any anticipate insurance coverage.

What should
I expect?

Conscious Sedation

To keep you pain-free and comfortable during the procedure,
our experienced team will sedate you. You will not experience discomfort or remember the procedure, but you will be conscious enough to respond to your doctor.


Our highly skilled team typically removes four wisdom teeth in about an hour.


You can expect to feel a bit groggy after your procedure. We will monitor you until we feel you are ready to head home with the person who brought you.


We will give you some aftercare instructions before you leave. Full recovery time depends on your age and the extent of the procedure. Typically you can expect to resume normal activities after a day or two.

We can’t wait to meet you!

Call (435) 734-2248 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit.